Quantum Healing Session - intense
We use quantum healing to learn and unload deep issues, stucked and un-reachable issues. Quantum Healing is intense and into many layers at the same time, inside-out. That makes quantum healing so strong.
Beautiful, but sometimes very intense like a roller-coaster.
Costs: 100 euro* per session of 1 hour on Fridays or 50 euro* for 30 min (high speed)
On Fridays, as long as it takes, minimum of 2 hours.
Costs: 80 euro* / hour
Quantum Constellation / Healing Program 1 - 8 days
just ask and we will schedule it.
In this day we do together the program to train our intuition, feeling and quantum energy work, for healing purposes. start up day for beginners. #8 Persons. If you like we can organize follow-ups also.
We use energy work, quantum-field, constellations, readings, intuition and an open hart&soul.
Costs: 25 euro* pp per hour #8 persons
Energetic House Cleaning
Do you feel something in your house? are there many un-explainable things happing? like computers or lights going out? or on?
There is nothing to be scared of, it is most of the time just energy what needs attention. Together we examine your house, clean it and you learn from it.
Costs: 160 euro*
Further information:
*) Prices are inclusive VAT for persons and exclusive VAT for companies with a VAT-invoice.
Please contactl us
or call directly: +31 6 207 83 765
We work with the 'Global code of Ethics' - NOBCO - EMCC and our Privacy Policy - Registered NOBCO - EMCC Coach Number: 30785
VAT/BTW: NL 001777706 B 93 | IBAN: NL67 RABO 0304 53 77 21 | BIC (SWIFT) RABONL2U | BANK Location: Kaatsheuvel | Room of Commerce no: 17 217 309 | www.Isimila.nl
Our liability is limited to the amount of our fee. By agreeing to the offer or making the payment, you agree with this condition and indicate that you are satisfied with the chosen method and the result.